If you are looking for capital for your start-up or growing entrepreneurial business, The GTSI InvestorForum could be your place for funding as our meetings are held monthly onsite and online using Microsoft Teams.
After you have exhausted your personal savings and tapped out family and good friends to boot strap your new venture, Angel Investors are your real credible opportunity to provide needed rocket fuel to launch and then grow your business.
At GTSI InvestorForum you will find mature and seasoned Angel Investors, Strategic Investors, Investment Bankers, Commercial Bankers and Trusted Advisors who:
- Listen with high interest to your presentation pitch for capital
- Meet with you as a group first
- Meet with you individually
If they are interested, may write a check to your venture 1-60 days after your first presentation.
Sign up to become a presenter by clicking on the button below and filling out the questionnaire to the best of your knowledge.