Typical Business Owners vs Value Builders

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What is a GTSI ValueBuilder Team Member?

A Team Member is a Business Owner that is just starting to Explore Value Building. Their Business has Annual Revenue between $1M and $10M+, has over 5 Employees and has Owned their Business for Over 5 Years.

Team Members receive Value Building Content

  1. Weekly Built to Sell Radio Podcasts
  2. Monthly Article on Building Company Value
  3. Quarterly Webinar on Building Company Value

Valuable Assessments:

  1. ValueBuilder Score Report
  2. PREScore (Personal Readiness to Exit)
  3. Your Freedom Point

Invitations to GTSI ValueBuilder Business Only Member Events:

  1. Networking Groups
  2. Lunch & Learns to Meet other Business Owners
  3. Workshops, Webinars & Seminars
  4. Annual Business Owner Conference